surekanews: Latest News - Adobe Kills Mobile Flash Finally


Monday, November 14, 2011

Latest News - Adobe Kills Mobile Flash Finally

News for- Adobe has discontinued its much maligned Mobile Flash Player software for smartphones and tablets It's sad that Jobs is no longer with us see this day. But the truth is that he see it he knew he was right.Last year in a post titled "Thoughts on flash Jobs compre hensively blew adobe's mobile flash out of the water,saying that it was an unnecessary technology that was too performance intensive, and the lock of correspondence from adobe as its progress was surprising it was a technology that was always exciting ,but never quite here. while adobe was quikck to dismiss the criticcism then, it seems today that it could never quite recover. Yes, last week, they killed theri mobile flash initiatiatives and decided they wanted to focus on HTML 5 insted (a new technology being embraced by almost all companies now, including Microsoft for Windows 8, as well as Apple.)

Our futue work with flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores. adobe announced at a press event. we will no longer adapt flash player for mobile divices.

With that out it was clar. All thousw promises of playing the lastest flash games and running rich flash applications on your tablet or smartphone were false and hollow, The one mojor advantage that Android held over iOS was lost, and it meant a deadly blow for the OS.

So what now Adobe will continue to support developers on PC flash while marking a gradual transition to HTML 5 for mobile devices.And APPLE WILL cntinue as their world domination plans, with the sun gently warming their backs steve jobs has had his last laugh and from the grave kudos sir.

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